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ΰΌ„ Cousin to the Rosier Family. Dementor by night. Cold and standoffish in human form. Sweet and open in dementor form. Forever stuck at 3’6. ΰΌ„

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Giulia and Anthelme Rosier had, since receiving the news of their arranged marriage, longed for a child that would carry on their family name. Members of the Sacred Twenty-Eight through Anthelme’s line, their goal was to continue on the Pureblood traditions in any way they possibly could.

And yet, even after years and years of trying, and many tragedies befalling them, a healthy, living child never came. Indeed, they were almost ready to give up all hope, when one night upon returning from a midnight walk, they heard the crying of an infant beneath a bridge, wrapped in swaddling clothes and stretching tiny arms out to be held.

Giulia’s heart melted at the sight of the girl, and she instantly scooped her up. It didn’t take long for her to be able to convince Anthelme that they should bring the child home with her; and that was what they did, naming her Syrah Grace Rosier.

She was to be their heir; their miracle child.

But of course, they could not have known when they took her in just where their miracle child came from.

For Syrah was not a simple human child, as had been first suspected, but instead a much darker, and more malevolent being that had now wormed its way into the Rosier’s unsuspecting lives.

There was a coldness that seemed to follow the child; as if a dark cloud had been attached to her, one that not even the sweetest words or smiles could lift. Not only that, but she seemed to transfer this misery to her parents - her mother especially.

One night, when Giulia was bathing the infant Syrah, she became overwhelmed with feelings of such sadness that it was almost too much for her to take. Her worst memories flooded through her mind, and she lost her grip upon the child.

Desperately scrambling for her wand, she managed only a last-ditch cushioning charm to stop Syrah from suffering the consequences of hitting the tiled floor. She sank to her knees, clutching the infant to her breast, wanting to apologize, but the words died on her lips, and the coldness never left, nor did the horrific, haunting images leave her mind, not until she set Syrah down to sleep that evening.

Syrah was two when she underwent her first transformation. It was rather a shock for her mother; who had heard noises coming from her daughter’s room and raced inside to see what was wrong - only to find a six foot tall dementor floating above her baby’s crib, right where her child had once been.

She readied her wand, a Patronus Charm on the tip of her tongue, when the creature extended scaled hands to her, letting out the most pitiful noise she’d ever heard. It seemed almost cruel, she thought, to harm the thing - not less if it was her daughter.

As if in a trance, Giulia approached, until she was in the room, but kept a safe distance from the dementor. The creature moved so that it was sitting (did dementors sit? What an odd concept) on the floor, staring at its mother with big, sad eyes.

From then, Syrah seemed to have a dual nature. By day, she grew to be a beautiful child - dark hair and eyes, always dressed immaculately as a Pureblood child should be. But there was a coldness to the girl - she held minimal emotion and showed very limited kindness to anyone, instead being calculating, cruel and harsh. She would lash out at any perceived slights, using her dementor abilities to create misery for her parents.

She was causing Giulia to slide deeper and deeper into a state of madness; soon the woman was only able to recall her worst memories, swallowed up by her greatest fears.

Syrah would force gruesome, awful images into the minds of those around her, infecting their conscience and driving them to madness. Her parents were her primary targets, and the child found joy, it seemed, in the cruelty displayed towards to them.

It seemed, however, that in her youth, and innocence, the girl had little real control over her powers or how they manifested herself in her human form.

At night, during her transformation into a dementor, Syrah became a pitiful creature. Hideous and frightful in nature, it was during these hours that she became gentle and caring.

She was open in her desperate need for affection, sweet and compassionate, craving an emotional connection with those close to her. In those hours, she would yearn for her mother’s attention, cooing soft noises and offering childish gifts such as the wilted flowers that she had tried to pick from the garden, such that always died in her scaled hands.

Desperate to find some way to protect his wife from the child’s malevolent nature, and to turn his daughter into the perfect Pureblood as had always been his intention, Anthelme began performing dark magic experiments upon Syrah - attempting to split the dementor from her; so that his beautiful, perfect child that he claimed to love so much, would not longer be cursed with the burden of her hideous, alternate form. However, as more time passed, with the child becoming evermore cruel and her powers causing more pain for her family, the love they bore her once began to erode.

Punishments of the child were harsh and often involved striking her with a Patronus Charm - it had not taken Giulia and Anthelme long to figure out that while the charm would repel Syrah in her dementor form; it caused her great physical pain to be struck with it as a human.

And so, that was what her parents did whenever she would act out, whenever she caused them any sort of suffering. And she did, often, for during the day, Syrah took her greatest joy from the pain and suffering that she would cause to those around her; her main targets being her parents. It became a viciously cycle where everyone in the family lashed out at one another, on and on it went; Anthelme and Giulia both now united in their determination to stop the monster they feared their child would become - though neither would admit their own part in her creation.

During one of the experiments being performed upon her, Syrah became so weakened that Anthelme feared his child might lose her life. But all that happened was that it stunted her growth, leaving her at 3’6 in human form (the average height for a seven-year-old) and unable to grow past that. He hoped that perhaps the stunting of her growth might also stunt her dangerous abilities, but it never did.

Though, as the years went on, Syrah learned to control her abilities to some extent. Her malevolent nature remained while she was in human form, whereas as a dementor, she showed kindness and empathy.

At the age of eleven, she received her Hogwarts Letter; though this one held a few stipulations regarding the child’s attendance.

She would be allowed to attend Hogwarts on the condition that she did not use any of her dementor abilities to purposely harm any of her fellow students; and that during the night when she transformed, she was to remain away from others until it could be determined that she was no threat to fellow students in that form.

A first year Slytherin, Syrah is trying to find her place in the school; and in the world, burdened by a power that she never asked for and a duality between light and dark that are at continued war inside her…

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Syrah has a dual nature to her personality; her human form and her dementor form.


In human form, Syrah is cold, calculating, manipulative and unforgiving. She is almost psychopathic in her nature, showing little to no empathy or remorse for her actions.

In this form, she holds all the coldness of a dementor - seeking only to cause misery and mayhem. She values little over her own desires and if she acts altruistically, it’s typically because she wants something - or so she will often imply.

She is quick-tempered and views even the slightest misstep as a great insult. Syrah does not hold much real care in this form; she struggles to form emotional relationships with people, this being caused by both her nature as a dementor, and the way in which she was raised.

While in the beginning, Syrah did genuinely have little control over her power, over time, she grew to enjoy the pain that her psychic abilities caused those around her; and now, at least in human form, she willingly and gleefully torments those weaker than her.

All of the abuse she’s suffered at the hands of her parents has caused her to close herself off in the extreme to the possibility of being harmed again. She does not suffer fools lightly, and builds up walls around her heart that it is vastly difficult to break down; though it is not impossible to do so if one tries.


Syrah’s dementor form is her kinder side. In this form, while she might be hideous and unpleasant to look at, she is sweet and loving. She is unable to speak in this form, instead communicating in a series of β€œdeath rattles” - strange rattling noises that mean different things. There are different rattles for when she is happy, sad, lonely, etc.

She is pretty much an infant in terms of her age as a dementor and this can come through when she is in this form. She is very affectionate, and will often nuzzle loved ones like an oversized, six foot tall, scaly cat. Syrah in this form is a lot more open and empathetic than she is in human form. This is the form in which she finally gets the chance to be a child, full of the optimism and hope that a child possesses, despite her hideous outward appearance.

Making friends is something that Syrah wishes to do a lot more when she is a dementor; as if all of the walls she’s built up have faded and she is now able to be a more gentle, authentic version of herself. This is the only form where she can truly behave like the child that she actually is.

She will approach people with the intention of befriending them, but become quite upset when (as is usually inevitable) they end up running from her in fear. She has, unfortunately, been known to lash out against those who have rejected her when she returns to human form.

Because the human Syrah shares memories with her dementor self, she often wakes up the next morning with feelings of overwhelming sadness at having been rejected again; a sadness that soon turns to rage and bitter, vengeful hatred. It is not uncommon for Syrah to make those who reject her dementor form the object of her twisted games.

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As well as being a witch due to her human form; Syrah also holds several abilities based on being a dementor. She is still an infant dementor, however, and hence these powers are far weaker than they would be in an adult of her species. Typically, it is in her human form that she showcases these abilities.

She is able to intensify negative feelings and emotions in people. This can be seen in how she would force her mother and father to relive their worst memories. She can cause hallucinations of both auditory and visual nature - these can be either of the victim’s worst fears or of past negative memories/insecurities.


The Dementor’s Kiss is a Dementor’s most dangerous ability. It involves the dementor latching their mouth onto a victim’s and literally sucking out their soul. This renders the victim in a permanently empty state; somewhere between existence and nonexistence.

Being a baby dementor, Syrah isn’t able to perform a full Kiss, though she can render people unconscious for several days if she were to attempt a Kiss on them.

She is unable to latch onto the soul enough to rip it from the person’s body, but she can put the soul into what might be described as a β€œcomatose” state whereupon it temporarily fades from consciousness; again, rendering the victim catatonic for at least two to three days.

She’s only ever used this ability once and has pretty much blocked the experience from her memory as it is too traumatic for her to think of. Whether or not she would ever perform a full version of the Kiss when her dementor side matures, this remains to be seen.

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Themis Black: (@Themisism)

Themis is Syrah’s best friend in the whole world, and an honorary sister in her mind. The two hit it off when they met in Hogwarts. Themis was the first person to accept both sides of Syrah and is able to see past human Syrah’s coldness.

While it took a while for Syrah to warm up to her, she did, and now she truly values Themis’ friendship. She would do anything for her and is fiercely protective.

The two are both able to understand each other’s family dynamic and Syrah does her lip-twitches (her version of a smile) the most around Themis.

Marlene McKinnon: (@MCKITTY)

Syrah looks up to Marlene in both the literal and figurative sense. She just thinks that the older girl is really cool and someone that she admires.

Marlene has been kind to Syrah in all of their interactions and while, in her human form, she finds it difficult to voice her thoughts on the matter, Syrah truly does appreciate that.

Evanna Rosier: (@youngestrosier)

Syrah thinks her cousin could, potentially, be someone that she might end up befriending at some point. She’s a little unsure as to go about that as her social interactions and connections can leave a lot to be desired.

She would defintely love to have a strong connection with her family and hopes she and Evanna can form a bond.

Willy Wonka: (@folieachocolat)

The first time that Syrah met Mr. Wonka was also the first time that a grown-up had shown her any kind of real kindness. It was an odd experience for her - as most adults tend to keep a wary distance from the dementor child.

To have someone that is kind to her, someone seems to enjoy her company - means more to her than she can say. She’s still learning how to trust Willy - but he’s given her no reason not to, and there’s a small part of her that really wants to believe that there’s someone out there who cares.

Vega Black: (@theshamefulheir)

The big sister of her best friend Themis, Vega has shown Syrah a considerable amount of kindness - and she appreciates that.

She feels like Vega is someone that she can trust, someone that she could go to if she was having any problems. Syrah knows that she would definely be able to rely on Vega if she ever needed to - and she would definitely return the favour.

Corban Yaxley: (@trecherointento)

Syrah has only recently met Corban - and does not quite know him well enough to make a proper judgement call.

However, the fact that he gave her a cookie, promised that she would be protected and that his friends would like her too, makes her think that he’s someone who could be trusted. She hopes her gut feeling is right.